Ned Benedict
Co-Founder and BOSS emeritus
5.29.1959 – 7.14.2019
Ned Benedict co-founded Grand Cru Selections in 2009 after a long career in New York City restaurants, notably the legendary "original" Bouley and Aureole. After leaving the restaurant industry in 2002, Ned worked as the head buyer at the renowned retail giant Zachy's in Scarsdale, NY. The combination of experience in the nuanced worlds of both restaurants and retail; in addition, to his personal relationships with many of the top wine growers throughout the world, gave Ned a unique perspective when forming, building and ultimately directing the team at Grand Cru Selections. And direct he did! It is impossible to overstate Ned's force, or how his many skills and qualities shaped Grand Cru into the company it is today. Ned tragically left us on July 14th 2019 but his voice, integrity, insight, and laughter remain firmly a part of who we are as people individually and together as a company.
Several of the growers we are fortunate enough to represent have shared their thoughts about Ned. Reading just a few of them will give you a glimpse into the brilliantly talented, hilariously funny, independently minded and downright special forever boss of Grand Cru Selections.
“Ned, Robert, Rajat (Parr) and I took a trip to Houston, Austin, and Dallas together in June 2019. How would I have imagined that I would never see Ned again? 4 formidable days with 3 great friends. Yet, one is no longer with us to remember how hard we worked on that trip, how much fun we had, how many miles we drove (Robert had insisted to drive from Houston to Austin to Dallas), and how excited we were about the future.
It’s strange how I can’t remember Ned as a professional relationship. I lost a friend who happened to be a marvelous pro to work with. Of course, he was funny, and with his sense of humor he was constantly looking for ways to turn the most boring event into a great memory.
Yet, when he had to be serious, he was, and when he looked distant, he was eagerly listening. When I was not yet involved with Domaine du Pélican, I has asked Ned whether there would be a market for Jura wines in the US. He immediately encouraged me to go ahead with Pélican, saying there would be demand for the wines in the US. That was nice to hear, but it did not mean much, I quipped. Then he looked at me and said, Guillaume, I commit to buy your entire first vintage if you need me to. That sounded more like it. With this reassurance in my pocket, I felt comfortable with my first purchase in Arbois. I will never forget that I will always owe him for this.
RIP, Ned, I am grateful for having known you, and so sad our road together did last longer. Whenever I drink a Volnay Caillerets, I think of you.
“Plus de deux ans après sa mort, Ned est toujours présent dans nos conversations, dans notre mémoire. Il est toujours en cave avec moi, les souvenirs de dégustations avec lui sont trop forts. Je l’imagine s’il était là aujourd’hui, rencontrant de nouvelles situations, de nouvelles personnes autour du vin, ce qu’il aurait aimé, ce qu’il aurait fui aussi. Il était comme un guide, il allait à l’essentiel en deux mots, en un regard. Une pirouette, un trait d’humour et tout était dit.
Il était concis, efficace et drôle, fidèle en amitié. Il savait créer les rencontres, susciter les projets. Il a ainsi été au tout premier plan lorsque le projet « Chacra Chardonnay » a vu le jour. Il était présent lorsque Piero INCISA l’a évoqué pour la première fois. Particulièrement motivé, il n’a cessé ensuite de faire le relais entre Piero et moi, de relancer, de suivre les étapes d’élaboration du projet jusqu’à nos début, en 2017. Piero et moi avons dédié la cuvée Chacra à sa mémoire, en souvenir de son amitié et de tout son soutien.
Aujourd’hui, je suis fier d’avoir fait installer une stèle à sa mémoire dans le Clos des Bouchères à Meursault. Les cendres de Ned reposent en partie ici, un lieu-dit qu’il aimait particulièrement, qu’il a beaucoup défendu. Il veille encore un peu sur nous, sa sagesse nous accompagne, toujours !
More than two years after his passing, Ned is still present in our conversations, in our collective memory. He is still in the cellar with me, the memories of tastings with him are too strong. I think about what it would be like if he was here today, in new situations, meeting new people around wine, what he would have liked, what he would have run away from too. Ned was like a guide, he would get to the crux of things in two words, in one look. A pirouette, a touch of humor and all was said.
He was concise, efficient and funny, faithful in friendship. He knew how to create encounters and encourage projects. He was at the very forefront when the “Chacra Chardonnay” project was born, present when Piero INCISA mentioned it for the first time. Particularly motivated, he acted as a liaison between Piero and me, kept us in contact and followed the stages of development of the project until our first harvest, in 2017. Piero and I have dedicated the Chacra cuvée to him, in memory of his friendship and support.
Today, I am proud to have installed a headstone in Ned’s memory in the Clos des Bouchères in Meursault. Part of his ashes rest there, a place he particularly loved, of which he was a fervent defender. As he continues to watch over us, his wisdom will accompany us, always.”
“We thought of Ned as an old friend, and this is not typical for a client.
From the beginning I loved how he spoke very little, very close to the Tuscan style. We speak little in Tuscany; we love to communicate by looking at each other instead of talking. He was the same.
The first time he came to Monteraponi, as a deeply knowledgable lover of Burgundy, he took just a few instants to understand the terroir and the philosophy of Radda in Chianti. So it was easy to build a relationship based on professional respect and the same enormous passion for the wine.
Anyone in the wine world, not only in the US, who searches for typicity in the vines and in the terroir, lost a great person, not only with regards to wine but especially as a friend. ”
“Caro Ned, è stato fantastico conoscerti, hai fatto tanto per la nostra famiglia e i nostri vini, ti ricordiamo sempre e sei rimasto nei nostri cuori. Ti abbracciamo forte ovunque tu sia.
Dear Ned, it was amazing to have known you; you have done so much for our family and our wines. We will always remember you and hold you in our hearts. We embrace you tightly wherever you are.”
“You were someone I could send a too-long and over-articulated message to and in return receive the most succinct answers. I’m very much missing the “yep,” “ok,”, “who cares,” and of course the classic shrug.
That’s why I’ve felt a weight since your departure. Somewhere between a “religious confession” and a psychology therapy, nobody can make this crazy world somehow simpler, lighter and more enjoyable, as you did. ”